A successful career at Google, linguist, certified trainer and mother of arthur & isolde

Gaelle Bonne

Just graduated from the university and almost immediately a job at Google Belgium: the start of my online career. This was anno 2006 and I was lucky to experience the very beginning of Google Belgium. An interesting period where I started to work as an account strategist which implies the creation and optimisation of AdWords campaigns from big
customers in Dutch, French and English. As the only Google Analytics power user in the office my Belgian colleagues and customers came to me for analytics questions and advice. Besides this I was in the organisation of the very first Belgian Google Advertising for Professionals trainings. The ideal job as linguist with an extra master in management & communication and certified teacher.

In 2008 I was promoted as account manager and had more direct contact with customers on management level. Strategy meetings — together with the customer and/or their agency — advice, training & management from the running and new campaigns were daily business.

In 2010 my son Arthur was born and in 2012 daughter Isolde. After my son’s pregnancy leave, of which I spent most of the time being abroad, I decided it was time for a new professional challenge.

Since July 2011 I work as an independent SEA expert. Thanks to my working experience at Google itself, I continued my specialisation in Google AdWords &
Google Analytics. I am often asked for support in Google AdWords by agencies but in the meantime even more by direct clients. Through my experience at Google Belgium, I have gained a lot of affinity with large accounts but as a freelancer I am regularly asked as well to support smaller campaigns. So whether you work for an agency, small or large company that can use support in SEA, I am perhaps the expert you are looking for.

Interested in working together?

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what others say

Gaëlle is a true SEA specialist. From analysis and set-up to writing effective ads and monitoring campaigns: you can rely on her. With respect for timings and clear updates, we always know what the project status is. No wonder we enjoy working with her.

- Gerrit Janssens, BBC
i also worked for
i am certified